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Faith in Business Quarterly

Faith in Business Quarterly (FiBQ) is unique - the only publication of its type in the UK. It is a quarterly journal relating Christian faith and values to the business world, providing a forum to explore and promote the application of Christian faith and values to working life in business, the professions, and public and voluntary service. It occupies a strategic position midway between an academic journal and a popular magazine.

FiBQ has been published since 1996. It is the outcome of a partnership between Faith in Business and the Industrial Christian Fellowship (ICF), the longest standing ‘faith and work’ organisation in the UK. We welcome offers of thoughtful articles about business written from a Christian perspective for publication in FiBQ. Please use our Contact Us form if this is of interest to you.

To read some sample articles or subscribe to FiBQ, visit the website using the button below. You can receive a free subscription to FiBQ by Partnering with Faith in Business

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FiBQ 23.1: Stewarding Time and Money Well: A Biblical Perspective on Work and Rest
Ruth Jackson leads us through some of the ways we can rest in God to work for his purposes.
FiBQ 23.1: Shedding The Yoke of Mammon: Economic Stress and the Gift of Sabbath
Kenneth Barnes explains how Sabbath, properly understood, gives believers the tools they need to throw off the yoke of mammon, and take on the yoke of Christ.
FiBQ 23.1: Being Productive: Working from Rest (Part Two)
In Part One, Peter Heslam introduced the theme of ‘Being Productive: Working from Rest’. Here he develops the theme’s theological framework
FiBQ 22.4: Being Productive: Working from Rest (Part One)
In partnership with the Mockler Center in the USA and Stewardship in the UK, our 2024 theme is: ‘Being Productive: Working from Rest’. Here Peter Heslam explains.
FiBQ 22.4: Faith in Business Prayer
Richard Higginson recovers a selection of prayer letters from the Faith in Business Prayer which started in early 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic broke out.
FiBQ 22.3: The Long Road to Employee Owned Status
After converting his family business, James Holden is excited that Employee Owned businesses offer a practical means of transforming capitalism.
FiBQ 22.3: Beauty at Work (Part Two)
In Part Two of this series, Peter Heslam suggests that we create beauty when we love.
FiBQ 22.2: Beauty at Work (Part One)
Peter Heslam provides the theological basis for why God sees work as beautiful, and why we should see it in the same way
FiBQ 22.2: Do my investments make the world rejoice?
In the context of the malaise which hangs over the global economy Reuben Coulter points out that our investment capital has the power to drive change and standards across industries, culture and communities.
FiBQ 22.2: When the ‘G’ in ‘ESG’ goes wrong
Gary Cundill relates his experiences as a Christian investor. He encourages Christian to face trials joyfully, and try to avoid making the same mistake twice by combining prudence and purity.
FiBQ 22.1: God’s Investment and Ours: Towards a Theology of Investment (Part Two)
Peter Heslam focuses on the portion of scripture that is most directly to do with investment: the Parable of the Talents. He suggests that, even if the parable is taken to be mainly about money, it is thereby also about virtue.
FiBQ 21.4: God’s Investment and Ours: Towards a Theology of Investment (Part One)
In a four part series, Peter Heslam introduces the Faith in Business 'theme' for 2022. He notes ways in which the Bible depicts God as an investor and highlights the apparent recklessness of some key biblical models of investment.
FiBQ 22.1: The Demon is in Too Deep: Clashing Orthodoxies of Investment and the Separation Thesis 
Ben Nicka issues a call to the asset management industry to direct investment to moral ends.
FiBQ 22.1: Investing for the Kingdom – Four Lessons Learned over Forty Years 
Chris Gillies has some sound investment advice for institutions and individuals.
FiBQ 21.4: Interview with Matt Parfitt, CEO of Grace Enterprises 
Grace Enterprises is a charity transforming lives through supportive employment in their sustainable businesses. Their key values are Excellence, Employment and Ethics - with excellence first
FiBQ 21.4: COP26 and the Climate Emergency: My Christian Response 
Val King draws attention to the persistent investment by large companies and churches in fossil fuels, and argues that protest is essential because only government intervention can bring about real change.
FiBQ 21.3: The God who sees
Esther Ngéthe draws attention to the presence of God in the separations, tragedies, bankruptcies and redundancies of the pandemic. The God who brings light into our darkness and gives us a sense of purpose.
FiBQ 21.3: Digital meets sustainability: making things better and making better things 
Perspectives from the frontlines of digital and sustainable manufacturing, exploring the tension between our drive to deliver commercial results and our call to steward God’s creation.
FiBQ 21.3: What is Business For? Reconsidering the Purpose of Business (Part 4)
In this fourth part of his series, Peter Heslam develops his engagement with ‘woke capitalism’, at the heart of which are businesses that seek to address social and environmental causes. He does so, as he promised, by raising two of its pitfalls.
FiBQ 21.2: What is Business For? Reconsidering the Purpose of Business (Part 3)
In the third installment of a series of articles, Peter S Heslam begins an exploration of ‘woke capitalism’, seeking to address this phenomenon from the perspective of the Trinity
FiBQ 21.1: What is Business For? Reconsidering the Purpose of Business (Part 2)
In the second installment of a series of articles, Peter S Heslam looks at how some thought leaders understand purpose. Although they reflect Christian values, he suggests ultimate purpose requires a theological starting-point.
FIBQ 20.4 What is Business For? Reconsidering the Purpose of Business (Part 1)
In the first installment of a series of articles, Peter S Heslam considers whether the pandemic provides an opportunity to reconsider the purpose of business - what is business for?


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Stimulating and resourcing the business world for over 30 years

Faith in Business’ vision is of business as a force for good, transforming society in a way that expresses the kingdom of God. We encourage and equip Christian business people to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ in a demanding workplace context. With an eye on the future, we are especially committed to serving young business leaders.

Faith in Business is active on many fronts. We run an annual retreat, co-publish a quarterly journal, host a monthly webinar, provide topical weekly reflections and facilitate a business prayer network. As a volunteer-led organisation, we'd love you to get involved with us and there are a number of ways you can do this: